Hello again, old yogafriends. I haven't posted in over a year and almost completely forgot about this blog. I was reading some old posts today and realized that I have really come a long way since August 29, 2011. I eventually got Marichyasana C (took almost six months) and I'm REALLY close on Mari D. Well, maybe not that close.
Bhuja Pidasana was, for at least two months, a slapstick comedy routine of alternately banging my forehead and then ass against the mat. While I'm sure it was hilarious for all of my yogafriends, eventually I figured out how to avoid yoga concussions and broken teeth - you move your ass BACK when you bend FORWARD to touch your face to the mat! That gives you enough balance to hopefully not faceplant as shown below.
I have more to say and more to share, but I think this post is done. I very recently upped my practice from 3-4 times a week to the full 5-6 times. Still waiting on the results, but so far things seem positive, except for the previously mentioned back strain.